
Showing posts from August, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!

Dear Fourth Grade Parents, We are so excited to begin this new school year with your children. We hope your families have had an awesome summer with many fun and relaxing times together. We wanted to explain what your child's day will look like and would also like to tell you a little about ourselves. We look forward to getting to know you as we go through the year. Mrs. Antoniono will be in our classroom from 8:00am - 12:30pm.  You will reach out to her if your child is sick, or running late, or you have any other beginning-of-the-day concerns.  First thing in the morning your children will have writing with Mrs. Hyde. Then they will be with Mrs. Antoniono doing math from 9:15am to 11:15am  (snack is from 10:15-10:30)..  After that, they will have reading with Mrs. Moon before their 12:30pm lunch break. All fourth graders trade classrooms for reading and writing as Mrs. Antoniono teaches third, fourth and fifth grade math. After lunch, your children will be spending th