'Twas the week before Christmas

Happy Holidays to you and your family! I hope you have a wonderful break with a lot of together time in which you can build special memories. I also hope everyone in your family stays healthy!!

During the coming week we will complete our Map project. Unfortunately, it has taken students much longer than expected to work on these maps and they have not been able to complete them in a way that will allow us to present them to their families as we had planned. We will be presenting them, no matter what point of completeness they have reached, to others here at school on Wednesday. I am disappointed that you will not get to see the results of their hard work, but I promise that they will be presenting other projects after the first of the year that you will be invited to see.

On Thursday, we will spend the afternoon celebrating the season with a craft project, Secret Santa gift exchange, and possibly a movie. Mrs. Antoniono will come and introduce little James to the class. We have a parent sending in cupcakes for a holiday birthday, but if you would also like to donate a little something for them to snack on, that would be wonderful. Please just let me know, so we don't end up with too much. Healthy snacks or drinks are always encouraged.

Another point of interest, in case your child has not informed you, is the news that we will finally get our classroom snake during the holidays. Mirabel's grandmother is donating the snake she has had for years to our class. The snake is a ball python and they are known for their gentleness as classroom pets. I have had my previous ball pythons in my classrooms in Michigan, but had to leave them behind when we moved here. Students from first grade through high school have come to know and love these reptiles in my classrooms. We will be learning about reptiles and their care. We are all pretty excited and hope you stop in to meet Noodle after the first of the year.

Enyoy every moment of your holidays!
Ms. Williams


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